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1 Banana

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Adults should consume about 3,500mg of potassium per day, according to the UK's National Health Service. The average banana, weighing 125g,...
1 Nenthiram Banana

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Banana Nutrition. According to USDA, bananas are a rich source of protein, potassium, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. ... Their impressive...
1 Ooty Apple

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I need 1 ton of Ooty apple
1 Apple

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200.00 INR

An apple is a sweet, edible fruit produced by an apple tree (Malus pumila). Apple trees are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown...

200.00 INR

1 Green Apple

Popular BUYER

350.00 INR

This article is about the fruit and the tree. For the technology company, see Apple Inc. For other uses, see Apple (disambiguation), Apple Blossom...

350.00 INR

1 Chia Seed

Popular SELLER

399.00 INR

Chia seeds are the edible seeds of Salvia hispanica, a flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae) native to Central America, or of the related...

399.00 INR